Machine Head, Hostile, @ Rescue Rooms, Nottingham 29-7-14


This was the queue to get the tickets (some time back)ย Queue for Machine Head Rescue Rooms tix

I got there very early for this one.ย First person i saw was Rich (?) who i’d met when we queued up for the tickets back whenever. Truth be told, i probably shouldn’t have gone to this gig as i had a leg infection & was in agony ! But hey, it’s such a special gig i HAD TO do it, no matter ๐Ÿ™‚ I was in the balcony & the lighting was awful. The spots were pointing straight out & the video clips i made are very poor & over saturated. But whatever, i enjoyed the show as best i could…& tbh couldn’t wait to get home as felt like passing out due to the leg pain !DSC00968 DSC00928