I happened to notice that the city hall offer reduced price car parking at Q Park on Rockingham street. Only £3 for 24 hours! Only problem was, even though it’s close by, somehow we walked around in a circle to find City Hall! Went to the Wetherspoons for beer & a curry, then off to the gig. This was originally gonna be in the Ballroom, but ticket sales were good enough to move to the city hall ( Agent to Fish : “Do you want to move to the city hall?” Fish : ” Erm, that’s where i’ve had many jinxed moments over the years!” 😉 )
The support act, ” Lazuli ” were interesting to start off, but, ultimately i found them a bit samey. So much so that i was dropping off to sleep ! They finished with all band member playing a glockenspiel together. That was quite impressive.
So, to the main man. I’d read that the previous night in Birmingham, he was struggling with vocals. First stop in Sheffield was A&E for Cortizone injections. This could fall below par tonight. The first song, i thought he sounded awful ! As the night went on & possibly as his vocals had warmed up, he started sounding better (Or was it *not* any better & i was allowing too much?) Fish told a story about being in A&E & there was a “typical Scottish drunk” there (Not him). It was a nice segue to ” Family Business” 😉 Then it’s time for “Misplaced Childhood”. Before the start, Fish basically said “Just enjoy yourselves, how ever you want”. This caused pretty much everyone to get to their feet.
Overall, Fish performed well, but, you could tell he was struggling a bit. I’m sure the loud audience spurred him on a lot though. Listening to “Misplaced” i was transported back to the Nottingham & Leicester gigs of 1986. So many great memories. Then we had “Market Square Heroes”….that took me back to Rock City 1983. Fish got it right when he said it’s great we can all still share these moments “together”after all these years. Whilst he doesn’t know us all per se , there is a great connection. Must confess, i thought finishing with “The Company”, didn’t really work for me. But that’s a minor complaint for a decent night out 🙂