Well i did it again ! Two nights in a row, i was first person there! But i knew this one was sold out,so more important to get there early to take my fave spot on the balcony. The night started with Richards/Crane doing an acoustic set. It was ok. Hail Mary i found to be very boring/repetitive. Sorry guys. I knew UKJ would be great & they sure delivered. A great start with “Neighbor” (Just a shame the played the whole N.W.A. track as an intro lol) The crowd were great as pointed out by Whit. It was a real party atmosphere in there tonight. There were the obvious classics plus a great new song “Shes Already Gone” from the latest album “Uglier Than They Used Ta Be”. There was also a moment where Whit read a note out which was basically some dude asking his girlfriend to marry him. She said yes !
The lighting was pretty rubbish tonight tbh. Way too dark. But i still enjoyed the night & what better way to finish than showing their love of Motorhead covering Ace of Spades. Another early curfew so home early again tonight. P.S. Chris didn’t drink as much as usual, so we coulda stopped off at Cats on the way home. But i’ll save that for another time 🙂