The bus i traveled on with the band/crew this tour. I had to leave the show a bit early as i had a flight or something lol

I met my friend Julia, who i knew via our love of Skunk Anansie, at this show. She brought her friend Laura along also. It was her birthday soon i recall. Well, with Henning being so cool, i was able to give the girls guest passes 🙂 During this show the band jammed ” Candy Love”. It was a bit of fun for sure. Unfortunately, Dennis had an accident when a drum stick broke & went in his eye. By strange coincedence, Julias dad is a doctor, so he checked him out ! Julia has some fantastic photos from backstage, but, it’s not really fair to upload some of them lol (The band were already tired & there’s one of Henning where he looks like a zombie -sorry mate- & one of Stude messing around with yogurt lol
Strange venue in that it was in like a factory.Also,the concert room was a few floors off the ground. Very industrial…turbinenhalle 😉 The film crew were still around for this one. Interestingly, on the clip i posted, where Stude is after his beer , that’s from Oberhausen, after the gig. Then the next shot is in Hamburg 🙂 There was also a record signing session in the “Centro” shopping centre. I didn’t realise it at the time, but, Jagermeister had a shop in there! I coulda got some cool merchandise 😉 After this one there was a group photo of band crew etc getting some kind of award. Henning said i should join the photo ,but i just didn’t feel right if i’m honest.
There was a day off between Berlin & Hamburg gigs. We all traveled to Hamburg & stayed in a very swish hotel (once again, pinch me!”) Carlos Santana was in town, so a few went to see his show.Â
The show was filmed for a mini documentary on Guano Apes. I asked the film crew what station it would be broadcast on. Upon hearing i’d traveled over from the UK, the director asked if he could do a short interview with me! It was so funny as i’d never in my wildest dreams expected anything like this could happen. I mean, i’m already living life well what with travelling on the tour bus, having a AAA tour pass & now this ?!!
Well this was a dream come true, thanks to Henning ! My first AAA laminate & i get to travel on the tour bus! Pinch me! Is this really real?!! When the band arrived, i was took to the tour bus where i met Axel. Apparently, this was the first tour where the band traveled separately to the road crew. It was all so different & exciting. I felt truly honored to be allowed into this small circle & i’ll never forget this & all the other amazing times i had with the band & crew.