I met up with Jim & we had a curry at the Wetherspoons. We then queued for a few hours. When is the O2 priority queue not the O2 priority queue ? lol. Shouldn’t judge, but there were a couple of right piss heads. Was amazed that security let one in when he smashed a bottle (after he’d already told him to calm down & stay off the road numerous times) Doubted we’d get front row & we didn’t. Hung at the first barrier back on the right. Sunflower Dead were pretty boring generic stuff. Snot were better & their cover of ” Hit the Lights” was very good. There was a long wait before Korn came on, seemed to be technical problems on the left side. As soon as they were on, the place was like a war zone. I’ve been in that position before, but never experienced a crowd like that. It was crazy good 🙂 Hardly worth me **attempting** to film anything cos getting a battering most of the time. Really enjoyed Korns show,but, i think i preferred it when they played with Slipknot earlier in the year. But cannot argue with the setlist 🙂 Had a shit awful drive home. Could see the sheet lightning in the distance & once on the A1, all the way to Stevenage, the skies just opened. Couldn’t see a thing & was down to 20mph. Was half expecting Noah to go by in his Ark! But whatever, it was all worth it 🙂

The squealing girlie cracks me up…but it was mental down there 😉