Pvris, We Are The Ocean, Lower Than Atlantis, While She Sleeps , Architects.
A cool day out. Traveled up on the train. My mate Nomis picked us up & we dropped off our bags at his place. Took a bus into town & straight to the pub 🙂 The ticket/wristband exchange was the best I’ve ever encountered. Very smooth & quick.Various venues around Leeds were used, but, we were mostly at the main stage,which was open air, at Millenium Square. It was pretty much a day of “new music” for me. Was especially looking forward to PVRIS & they didn’t disappoint. ( Thanks to my niece,Alice, who introduced me to them. Also, nice to briefly see you at the festival!)  Saw WSS & Architects in the O2 Academy. There was also an after-show party in the Leeds arena, thought it was pretty crap ! Still, i got to check out the venue