2 thoughts on “Camden Rocks Festival,New Device, Ally acoustic(Virginmarys), Ginger Wildheart, Virginmarys, Camden , London 31-5-14”

  1. So, there I was in the wrist band queue and who walks up right behind me but Simon and Rob! We generally saw the same bands, my highlight was Virginmarys, unfortunately I had to miss The Subways because of clashes and queues. Throughout the day I saw New Device, Peckham Cowboys (acquired taste is all I can say!), Shattered Skies , Protafield , Fearless Vampire Killers (acoustic and dreadful), Eureka Machines, Ally-The Virginmarys (acoustic), Sonic Boom Six , Ginger Wildheart , Acoustic TV (acoustic ), The Black Alps (not good), The Virginmarys. Overall a really good day and cracking company.

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