With the news of Lemmys death still sinking in, i really wasn’t in the mood for going to this gig. But i had responsibilities as i was the driver. Whilst we were at the pub,pre gig, i wasn’t really taking anything in from the chats we were having. I was there, but i wasn’t there. Once at the Leadmill, i wasn’t impressed with either of the support acts. As for WSS, there was a lot of energy up there, but again i just couldn’t really get into it. Would have been great if they’d tried to do a Motorhead cover , but at least Loz mentioned good old Lemmy. Just a shame that half the kids didn’t seem to know who Ian Fraser Kilmister was though 😉 After their set was finished, the first song played over the PA was “Ace Of Spades”. There was no way i was leaving that venue till i’d heard the full song. R.I.P. Lemmy. This was a strange way to finish my gig going of 2015.