” Winter Rocks “, The Temperance Movement, Fozzy, Nonpoint, Crobot , Scorpion Child, Graveltones, Sumo Cyco, Tax The Heat, Dirty Youth, Skarlett Riot , Falling Red, Corporation, Sheffield 5-12-15

Scans0586Β Winter Rocks 2015

Damn it was windy today ! Believe it or not, it actually helped us as regards car parking! Got to Sheffield & 1st car park was full. 2nd one was pretty much the same, except for 2 spaces which had some boarding that had blown down. So out the car we get, move the boarding & space secured ! (straight after, someone came into the next space lol) We went to the pub, for food n beers & then of to the Corp. There were a few in the queue before us, but, everything was looking good. Saw Simon Dunkerly & he said ” Have you seen the photo?” Me: “Erm what/where?” . Simon ” On the Winter Rocks page. Stuart asked for a photo to put up & i chose the one where you’re wearing the red top!” Me : ” Oh ace ! Cheers mate πŸ™‚ ”

12339100_523459581149003_1197949217560640296_oOnce doors opened, we were then held in the bar area, whilst final preparations were finished. Skarlett Riot were sound checking (i shoulda filmed it under the shutters lol). Once in, front row was secured in the perfect position. Job done! Β First band on were Skarlett Riot. A solid opener for sure.

Next up, it was “Sumo Cyco”. (Bad Touch had to pull their set due to having traffic problems). I had never even heard of Sumo Cyco before, so it was all new to me. What can i say except that they rocked big time. They certainly brought the energy levels up. I really wanna see these do their own headline show now πŸ™‚ P.S. My mate Ady thought that Sever/Skye was a “scary lady”….personally, i thought she had great attitude & knows how to pump up the crowd πŸ˜‰


Next up it was “The Dirty Youth”. A band i’ve seen before & they’re not bad. But truth be told, anything after “Sumo Cyco” was gonna be an uphill struggle.

Next we had ” Tax The Heat”. I’ve seen these before & gotta be honest, whilst they are great musicians, they just didn’t get me going (again) sorry. I think my friend Rachel summed them up very aptly ; ”Β Too groomed, too safe……yawn ” πŸ˜‰

Next it was The Graveltones. They’re always great. Apparently, this was their last gig for 2 months & it’s the first time in 5 years of touring, that they’re having 2 months off ! Respect ! As a bonus, they had Nick Fyffe (The Temperance Movement) jam with them as well tonight

Scorpion Child were next. Didn’t know anything about them, but they were ok.

Crobot followed & they were their usual awesome selves. Knew we were in for something special as before the show, i saw Jake with his bottle of Jack Daniels pouring himself a very nice measure. He was having a laugh n joke with some of the peeps down the front as well. This guy is a dude. I’m sure he also made the day for many ladies in the crowd as he performed tonight just wearing his pants !

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Nonpoint were refreshing, due to their sound, but, ultimately were a bit boring. As for Fozzy ? Omg. Seriously ? The singer just loves himself waaaaay too much. I did think his jacket at the start was funny though! I mean, we’re coming up to Christmas, so all those flashing lights fitted nicely. Strangest moment of their set was a cover of Abba’ “S.O.S.” I turned around to see everyones reactions. There were as many people just looking stunned as there were really loving it.(I saw you gettin down to it Nina πŸ˜‰ ) On reflection, i still don’t know what to make of it. The lass next to me tapped me on my shoulder with a “there there there” kind of gesture ! She’d noticed what i was thinking lol

Finally, time for the headliners, The Temperance Movement. I got chatting to a lass who had traveled down from Scotland just for this show. She was telling me that TTM are headlining Glasgow Barrowlands next year & that i should go. Must say, i’m impressed they’ve got up to that level. Just shows with quality songs & a lot of hard work touring, anything is possible. Tonights performance was just great.Not as great as the Bodega show though πŸ˜‰ Β A shame they ran out of time ….

So, all in all, another great indoors festival at Sheffield. Was nice seeing some “old” friends there & being introduced to some others (putting more names to faces is always good) is always cool. Roll on Winter Rocks 2016 !

2015.12.05 Winter rocks

Skarlett Riot, The Raven Age, Cortus, Ruby & The Knights, yardbirds, Grimsby, 11-10-15

Scans056712138576_1473265576314104_5489402722998753806_o2015.10.10 Skarlett Riot Grimsby

I was a bit later than usual leaving Boston & when i arrived, the first band ” Ruby & the Knights” were already on. The vocalist seemed to like a theatrical sort of performance, judging by her mask & spending so much time on the main floor on her knees πŸ˜‰ They went down well with the crowd. I thought they were ok as an opener. Next up was ” Cortus “. Again, totally new to my ears. They had a decent sound & were pretty heavy. For myself, the real two standouts here were, 1. the drummer : she’s solid & fun with it 2. the guitarist. Damn could he shred. He’s a young chap, but is already playing fantastic. I’m sure he has a good future ahead of him, if he wants it (wether it’s in this band or not though, could be debatable as i see he’s recently moved away to Leeds). Β So, ” The Raven Age ” : They’ve managed to get a few decent support slots recently & you can tell everything is flowing very well on the live set. There’s some nice harmony guitars in there at times ( I’m a sucker for twin harmonies) & also some heads down full on rockin out. But strangely, it all left me a bit cold. Cannot put my finger on it, but, it just didn’t really connect with me. Finally it’s Skarlett Riot. They’re always such fun. I’ve never seen a bad show by them. Everyone gives 100%. We got a couple of new songs plus all the usual “classics”. Tonight’s event was well worth the trip. Good value at Β£8 ( + about Β£15 petrol to drive there n back). They had a decent turn out for a Sunday night & was told there were about 40 advance & another 40 or so paying on the door. Nice one ! Because it was new too me & i really enjoyed them & can see the potential, the band of the night for me were Cortus πŸ™‚