(I stole a copy of Emilies ticket 😉
This album release party/gig/after party has become legendary among the original old school GA fans. What a day ! My mate Michel went with me & one of the first people we met once in the venue (early on) was Sandra. Straight away she went to get us drinks & Michel seemed a little shocked lol (hey, she’s a good friend for a few years now 😉 ). Met Bjoern & Eno & had a good conversation about how GA could improve their position in the UK. I seem to recall mentioning how ” Him” were starting to take off & i’m sure a radio broadcast helped them. Whilst watching sound check from the balcony , i finally met Friedel. A bunch of friends stayed at the same hostel/hotel a few minutes away from the venue. There was also a meal organised for everyone…& the surprise of the band turning up 😉 The gig was filmed & broadcast on German tv. I also filmed most of the show myself. If you’ve seen the clip with “The Little Green Man”, that was mine lol . I thought it was very cool when Sandra picked up the “Little Green Man” & got him to “sing” with her. Note: On the official pro-shot footage, they dubbed some sounds onto “L.G.M.” & it worked just great. 2nd note : It also shows they touched up the audio etc before it was broadcast 😉
We watched show from upstairs & there was a free unlimited bar. A bad thing where myself & Michel were concerned. He kept bringing beers & i couldn’t keep up ! So yeah, the filming went downhill haha. After the show the band came out to meet everyone . That was very cool. Eventually we left & went back to our digs. There we all stayed up a few more hours talking etc. If my memory is correct, one of the beds got broken ? Will always remember my first long chat about pyramids with Jasi that night 🙂 So yeah, this was one of those shows you really had to be there. Everything about it was just fantastic. Thank you Guano Apes, the management & of course the fellow fans. Nadine (aka Miss. G) & Michel after show
The unseen footage is a compilation of various parts of the day i filmed. The venue, soundcheck, meeting Friedel for the first time (camera goes shaky lol), the meal next door when the band made a surprise (? 😉 ) appearance, the gig itself, then finally the old school GA fans chatting in someones room till the early hours.
End of the video i made mentioning the “original gang”
P.S. What the hell happened to “Thor” ? Anyone know ?