A big day for me. In the morning i went to Lincoln hospital to get fitted out with my Gimp Mask preparing for radiotherapy treatment (+ I’m also gonna have chemotherapy). I have a couple of tumors in my brain…..yeah, even i am surprised they could find my brain! But as i wrote on my Facebook page ” Did anyone ever doubt that a couple of tumors would stop me going to a gig? Of course not, Mr Gigaddiction returns next week to see Juliette Lewis & The Licks in London ! “:-) I couldn’t think of a better more genuine rock n roll band than Juliette Lewis & The Licks.
Not only was i looking forward to the gig (having missed 8 shows recently due to the health issues) but i was REALLY looking forward to hanging with good friends again. My travel went well & i was at venue from about 4pm i think. First of my friends to arrive was Jim. We had a bit of a natter & then i noticed Juliette walk by. It was quite funny seeing pretty much ALL of the queue go after her to get photos etc. As i’d been waiting since the Garage show of ’05 for such an opportunity, i just had to go. I never do selfies, i couldn’t even work my phone! I asked Juliette to do it & she obliged. I know i look rough & am not even looking in correct direction, but i GOT THAT PHOTO ! Woo hoo

Later, when back in the queue, i saw Todd walking back to the venue. Had to have a chat with him.Strange i didn’t see anyone else chat with him. Don’t forget people, he’s been with Juliette a long time.To me, he’s just as important. Later my old mate Rob arrived. Originally, he wasn’t going to the gig, but once he knew i was doing it, he decided to get a ticket off a tout. Not long after that, Julia & Nadine turned up.Again, great to see them.After a brief chat, they went off to grab food…or rather, started to : Julia saw a guy in the queue selling a ticket, so came back & told Rob. Job done ! Thanks Julia. Looking at Heavens website, i’d worked out the best place in the venue : a raised area at the side.(I’m no longer allowed to go down the front in the pits 🙁 ) This was perfect as far as i was concerned. We got the “front row” there. Jim tried to get a photo of me up there, but didn’t quite manage what i was after. Then a lass behind me offered to try as it was a different angle & voila, perfect ! Thank you, who ever you were 🙂

Whilst waiting around, another old friend came & joined us. Hadn’t seen Patricia for ages. So again, very nice to see her & have a good catch up. Eventually, it was time for the first act, ” Kenneths”. Totally new to me, but they made a great impression. Just great fun rock n roll.

Next up its Waco. It’s probably the wrong attitude,but, i just took an instant dislike to them, sorry.(I wasn’t the only one as Rob, Patricia & Jim also thought they sucked. We all thought it would have been better if they’d switched places with Kenneths 😉 ) I’m not saying they didn’t go down well with the majority of the crowd though…
Finally, it’s time for the main event & man you have no idea how much i’d been looking forward to this! A great start to the show, with the classic “Smash & Grab”
Straight away, Juliette is doing her crazy rock star moves. It’s so obvious that she just gets lost in the music. The rest of the band are very tight & again, it’s obvious who’s having fun up there. We get a very varied set which includes a couple of new songs, plenty of old classics & a couple of unexpected covers…i really wouldn’t have expected “You Really Got Me “, but it was great.

Todd Morse does some acrobatics at the end 😉

After the gig, we went down to have a chat with Julia & Nadine, before we went to the pub. We also had Diletta join us there. So all in all, a great day out with good old friends. No one will ever know how truly special this day was to me
#LONDON you were an absolute dream! So much love! We will do it again later this yr I promise! #JLtour #HelloHero pic.twitter.com/aI5wc9kdD2
— Juliette Lewis (@JulietteLewis) May 5, 2016
Really pleased to see you here at this gig, good to meet Rob and Patricia as well. Juliette & The Licks were great fun.