Angelfish, Glasgow, 12-9-15



Firstly, if it wasn’t for my old mate Rob, i wouldn’t have been able to go to this event. He understood how important it was to me & helped me out. Cheers mate 😉
I flew from Luton & bumped into Ian at the airport. Upon arrival in Glasgow, it was pissing it down. After a failed attempt at getting a Greggs breakfast (missed it by 20mins!), had a quick wander & ended up at the pub ! (Deja-vu). Was later joined by Rob & Kristina.

As the event was for charity & it was requested we wear smart/casual attire, this was a very rare occasion to see me in a suit! It actually felt pretty good.(Judging by the responce on my FB page, a lot of friends also thought it suited me…pun intended). Once at the venue,after negotiating their rubbish organisational skills, we were in a room with art along the walls & various offerings of champagne & nibbles were being handed out. The samosas were bloody fantastic! DSC04748

Our table in the main room was on the front, to the side. Decent position. The food was great. Was interesting seeing the auctions & the crazy money some items went for. Shirley did the rounds of a few tables & when she came to ours,to talk with someone she knew, i asked for a photo. Its only took about 35 Garbage gigs & years of following her career to get that elusive photo lol.(But that’s what happens when you’re low key & not in an artistes face hastling them. This was perfect as the occasion was so special, it had to be done). DSC04771 DSC04770

As the reformation of Angelfish was such a unique event, there was no way that i wouldn’t try to document it 😉 Everyone stayed at their tables for the Angelfish set, apart from a few of us hard core types 🙂 Myself & Lou even ventured down the front for a couple of songs. After “security” asked us to move, i dropped back to the middle, in front of a pillar, so as to not upset anyone else hahaha…i had actually already planned this so as to get a couple of different angles to shoot from 😉 The crowd was pretty quiet,but appreciative. I did notice a dick head kept shouting “The Rattler”, even when Shirley already said the next song was a b-side,but it brought a smile to her face.
I thought the band were pretty tight. I wonder how much rehearsals they had before tonight? The gig was really enjoyable for myself. Even though it was a short set list, it was nicely balanced. It seemed to take until “Trash It” for Shirley to become a bit more animated, but, through out the show her vocals were great. Respect to the other guys in the band for their solid performance. For whatever reason, they dropped “King Of the World” & then brought the tempo down again with “The End”. But it also showed Shirleys emotional vocal prowesse. They finished with a cracking version of “Mummy Can’t Drive” & we were expecting an encore,but didn’t get one 🙁 I guess it’s a case of old old adage ” Always leave them wanting more “.
Was it worth going to the event? You bet your ass it was! A most enjoyable evening. We were actually surprised that there were not more of the Garbage followers there,yet at the same time, it’s kinda understandable.

We were soon out of there,back to the hotel to change back into our civvies & back on the beers in town ! It got a bit hazy & i seem to recall at our last stop,as i ordered the beers, they said “you’ve got 20 minutes till we close” I got the pints in & Rob also ordered Jager shots lol. Once back at the hotel, i was out like a light. Following morning i was rudely awaked by some drilling outside. After breakfast,somehow, we ended up at a pub. I think it was a sign of the previous nights fun that both myself & Rob were drinking non alcoholic beverages 🙂 We parted company later & i went to see the film “Legend”. Must confess, i thought i’d fall asleep as i was still so knackered! Luckily i didn’t & enjoyed the film.
All in all, a great couple of days. So pleased i saw the reunion of Angelfish with good friends.
The funniest moment of the weekend had to be being “eaten” by Lous dress…but that’s another story 😉Lou7

More photos are here…beware 😉

Here’s the full live set

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